Loonatics Unleashed Wiki
Loonatics Unleashed Wiki
Black Velvet




Mind Control
Claw Arm

First Appearance

The Cloak of Black Velvet

Voice Actress

Vivica A. Fox

Black Velvet is a woman whose eyes were damaged when the meteor hit, forcing her to live in permanent darkness. She also has a mechanical arm and the ability to create and manipulate darkness.


Black Velvet planned to use a device, called the Shroudcaster, to cover the entire planet in permanent darkness; she abducted and brainwashed Tech E. Coyote to help her complete her task. Black Velvet also had an army of Shadowborgs (who are also brainwashed), with which she stole the necessary components. However, Danger Duck was able to break her hold over Tech using an annoying cellphone ringtone and the rest of the Loonatics reversed the polarity of the Shroudcaster. With the device's destruction came the implosion of city blimp; Black Velvet was, according to Zadavia, said to have gotten away.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Umbrakinesis - Black Velvet's powers are based on the manipulation of darkness. She can cover large areas in pitch blackness.
  • Levitation - She can levitate and fly in an upright position without any apparent means of propulsion.
  • Robot Arm - Black Velvet has a high-tech multipurpose cannon instead of her right hand. It can fire bolts of darkness which either trap a target inside a spherical force field or ensnare them with tendrils made of solid darkness.
  • Mind Control - By firing small particles of darkness into a person's face, she brainwashes them into becoming her loyal servants.
  • Electrokinesis - During her fight with Ace, Black Velvet fires arcs of lightning from the inside of her cape.


  • Skilled Scientist - Black Velvet is skilled in several fields of science. She created an enormous flying futuristic blimp which serves as her home and base of operations. However, to fulfill her plans, she needed Tech's assistance, indicating she has her limits.


  • Blimp - Black Velvet uses an enormous blimp as her mobile base of operations.
  • Shadowborgs - An army of brainwashed cyborgs which serve as her foot soldiers. They are armed with maces or axes.


Season 1[]



  • Production and concept art of her depicted her as looking more realistic.
    • All humans in the series looked more realistic in early concept art.